Sunday, September 16, 2007

Missing Boston...part 3

Another that I will truly miss is my eldest; who has started classes in Northeastern University here. When everything seemed a dead end, alhamdulillah Allah answered our prayers.... Macam satu 'load off' our shoulders when the U offered him an On-Campus room. At least he has a place to stay, and class is just 15 minutes walking distance. Of course, my friends tried to help and I am glad orang melayu kita masih kaya dengan 'budi bahasa'. Itu yang membezakan di antara 'kita' dengan 'mereka' dan kita tidak semestinya menjadi seperti 'mereka'. Teringat pulak pada orang tua-tua atau orang kampung dulu-dulu yang sangat menghargai tetamu. I am glad my parents were one of them.. minta ma'ap lah ya, sempit sikit semak pulak tu..., ini jer la yang ada. Tetamu tu rezeki kata nya... Alhamdulillah, everything works out fine and we can move with peace at heart knowing my son will be warmly received in all of my friends' homes here.

I told my son he's lucky to have a room-mate whose mother supplies him the microwave, toaster, flatscreen TV & PS2.... saves us all the trouble too!

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