Thursday, October 18, 2007

Forest Spring Court, Cupertino

Our neighbors at Forest Spring Ct, Cupertino are mostly professionals and in some ways 'hidup berjiran' disini is almost like living in Shah Alam - where you don't know your neighbors and if once a while eyes meet, a friendly wave will suffice. However, I made it a point to know at least my next door neighbor and exchanged contact numbers in case of any emergencies. They're from Taiwan with children already in colleges which accounts for their house being very quiet most of the time. Mrs Ma works at Monta Vista High School where Atiqah goes to, and Mr probably a CEO like the rest of them here. I notice that 'mat sallehs' are very rare & few in this neighborhood and most of our neighbors are internationals - mostly Indians and Chinese, which is nothing new for us coming from a country with multi races. The Seven Springs housing area - where among others Forest Spring is one of its Courts - is flanked by Rainbow Drive to the north, Upland Way the west, Dorothy Anne Way the south and South Sterling Road to the east. Seven Springs Drive meanders in the center with all the Courts as its tributaries. The Courts are designed to be 'dead ended' making the single-home houses (average 8 units) within them sort of 'gated'. California's weather is really sunny, mild & nice - good for flowers & fruit trees. Almost every home has persimmons (pisang kaki) & oranges in their yard (laman) and I am now beginning to like 'pisang kaki' - it tastes very sweet, macam buah pear. The mild weather is also good for 'veterans' whom I normally see walking together irrespective of the time of day. Tak kira masa... walaupun matahari tegak atas kepala, atau pun terbenam di ufuk jingga.
I am yet to be amongst them, a routine which I am also persuading my hubby to take..for his health sake. My daughter Atiqah walks home from school...45 minutes of walking is actually quite far. Alhamdulillah for the fine weather. California has one of the highest % of sales tax in the United States @8.25% to which someone commented that we also pay for the weather. Thanx a lot to the Governor - Arnold Schwarzenegger! There are many lovely designed homes in this area.. I have included 3 samples from my list of favourites. My friends back home will be greeeen with envy if we were to live in one of these homes. Rest assured our house here is no bigger than the one back home. The allowance we get here doesn't permit unnecessary luxuries....hah..hah...ha.... Wherever home is..., here..there..or anywhere.. what matters most, is the LOVE & CARE.. don't you think so?

Terasa macam living amongst the 'rich' kat Bukit Pantai pulak....

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