Sunday, May 27, 2007

Asian Nite 2007 @ Newton South High School

Congratulations to the Asian Students Organisation for making the 3rd Asian Night fun & memorable for the students and parents of NSHS. The night started off with 5 perky students acting as host & hostesses welcoming the auditorium packed audience. To set the mood & spirit going, the first act was 'Beating of the Drums' by Chinese Folk Art Workshop. I could see many with camera or handphone in their hands clicking & recording the fanciful actions of the drum beaters amidst the loud, rhythmic sound of the BIG drums. The beat was of course, not UNfamiliar to a person who have been living in front of a Chinese Temple most of her young days in Selama, Perak. Next came Korean & Japanese songs which were the order of the night. The Modern Indian Dancers managed to captivate the audience's attention to their body swaying, bangles rattling, and head shaking routines - Aishwarya Rai, Madhuri Dixit & Karisma Kapoor would have been proud! Spring Showers - the chinese fan dance was refreshing and beautifully choreographed. I imagined Malaysian girls dancing 'joget', 'inang' & 'zapin' clad in tight 'kebayas' & batik sarongs. That would have woo-ed the audience even more! But, Atiqah is the only Malaysian girl in the school & I wondered whether TDC would be willing to send their dance troupes to a High School like Newton South. The night continued on with a Lion Dance - I suppose the 'Mat Sallehs' wouldn't think the Asian Nite as complete without a 'Lion' prancing on stage. Anyhow, kudos to the acrobats on their efforts! Although I loved to watch the Martial Arts performance by Calvin Chin Martial Arts Academy, I daresay there would be more 'ooohs' & 'aaahs' if the 'silat' was also introduced to the audience that night. The Chinese Yo Yo by the boys from Chinese Folk Art Workshop was to me very unique & invigorating indeed. Especially when it was announced that the Yo Yo was founded in China! Although, I think they would be equally fascinated if they had seen our 'Gasing' act - Top Spinning. The 'Asian' fashion show went well - I commented to Atiqah & her friend Sidra, originally from Pakistan, that they should enter in next year's fashion show to make it complete. The response I got was just sniggles & glares from both of them. Of course, we wouldn't want the audience to think that Asia constitutes of only China, Korea & India, right? Asia has also got abundance of culture & art in the South East as well. The Raffle drawing was I guess the moment that everyone was waiting for - prices were a brand new iPod Shuffle, $50 Simon's Mall Gift Card and $25 Borders Gift Card. Guess who won second price...Atiqah!! The night was worth going to after all! :) I can't help hearing the illusionist from Thailand, Bus Khiaophan's comment: Glad we're all Asians!Congratulations again to all who have made the night successful. Awaiting for a more exciting & interesting 4th Annual Asian Night next year...

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