Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Rhode Island Air Show

What is it with Air Shows that fascinate men so much? I got the answer when visiting the Rhode Island National Guard Open House & Air Show with a few 'adik-adik' and 'anak-anak' on June 24th. I had never got the chance to see our own Air Show in Langkawi but was informed that the much awaited Blue Angels had once performed there.

You might have guessed, the 'Tarzan' on the left is NOT one of us! he..he.. He was seen looking around for his Jane..
The Blue Angels were of course, scheduled to be the grand finale of the Air Show. Almost 2 hours behind time , - ironically these people here are not particularly time conscious as they are thought to be! - the world's renowned pilots captivated many, with their speed and precise manouvres. However, the blistering heat of summer and the immense noise proved too much for us and even for the Mat Sallehs. Many were seen leaving, - including us, to catch the free bus ride to the parking field before the crowd - minutes before the air show was even over!. Nevertheless, I couldn't help noticing how well logistics and facilities were handled during the event. Although parking space was like '5 miles' away, visitors were transported quickly on 'old' but well maintained army buses. The waiting time passed unnoticed! Potties to relief oneself were plenty and easily accessible. Security upon entering was well understood by all. Ear plugs were given free to everyone. And.. the event was held at No Charge! On top of it all, a supply of clean, cool drinking water for everyone's taking. How do they do that!? (I see 'budding entrepreneurs' selling mineral water for double or triple its price at these sort of events back home!)
Could that be one of the aircrafts used to transport soldiers to Iraq? Shocked

Thank you to Captain(?) Hatim and family for their kind hospitality. Food was ready for us to dig-in when we returned from the air show. Smile

The shores of the Atlantic Ocean at Rhode Island's beach...

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